South Oxfordshire Council agrees new actions to support the needs of local communities
South Oxfordshire District Council has agreed six new motions at its Council meeting last night [Thursday 25 March] on topics including the provision of primary care services, supporting local pubs and creating an action plan on neurodiversity. All six relate directly to the Council’s priority Theme in its Corporate Plan to improve economic and community well-being.
Summary of the motions passed:
Supporting local pubs
This Council will now use all its available powers, where appropriate, to support communities to retain pubs for the benefit of both the local community and the whole district.
Community wealth-building
The Council agreed to explore ways to support a green recovery while also benefitting local residents and businesses in a holistic way by exploring how the concepts of ‘community wealth-building’ can be applied to South Oxfordshire. A particular focus would be on the role procurement by anchor institutions such as public sector employers could play in local economic recovery and how place-specific actions can enhance community resilience.
Ensuring sufficient provision of primary care services
The Council will continue to work with Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) to ensure sufficient provision is made for primary care services for growth areas such as Didcot, Wallingford, Thame, Chinnor and other locations under pressure.
The Council Leader will write to:
- Relevant CCGs requesting a meeting to discuss how to better plan healthcare for strategic housing sites in South Oxfordshire, and healthcare provision for growing communities
- the Ministers for Health and MHCLG to explain the difficulties local planning authorities have to obtain information and commitment to deliver health services from CCGs, and to ask what the government is doing to increase the number of GPs and other health staff and funding to keep up with number of homes
Financial security and Universal Basic Income (UBI)
It was agreed that the leader of the council will write to the Chancellor of the Exchequer, South Oxfordshire Members of Parliament and the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions requesting the UK Government undertakes pilot studies for the Universal Basic Income, and that South Oxfordshire be included in any pilot.
Developing an Action Plan on Neurodiversity
The Council agreed to develop an Action Plan on Neurodiversity, which sits within the Inclusion and Diversity Strategy, to help continue its positive work in the area of equality and diversity. This would include using best practice from Autism charities and Neurodiversity partnerships and setting up learning and awareness events.
Working with developers on leisure facilities
The Council passed the motion to encourage developers to work closely with the local council (parish/town) to develop appropriate leisure facilities for that area.
The Council meeting took place online on Thursday 25 March at 6pm.