Consultations launched on how council raises money from development
TWO consultations have been launched on how funds are raised for facilities and infrastructure in South Oxfordshire to support housing growth in the district.
The money raised from developers can be used to fund a wide range of strategic and local infrastructure such as transport schemes, schools, community or health facilities, parks, green spaces and leisure facilities.
The first consultation relates to what’s known as the Community Infrastructure Levy or CIL – a local charge that the council can choose to apply to new development in our district.
South Oxfordshire District Council is undertaking a review of its CIL Charging Schedule, which is a document setting out the rates it charges for different types of development in different parts of the district.
The second consultation relates to the review of our Developer Contributions Supplementary Planning Document (or SPD), which sets out how the council will ensure new development on strategic sites and larger developments will contribute to the provision of affordable housing and supporting infrastructure (either on the site or through a contribution to the Council), through what are known as Section 106 Agreements.
Councillor Anne-Marie Simpson, Cabinet Member for Planning, said: “I know this is an important topic for many residents, and it is one of our council priorities.
“I’d urge people to take part in both consultations to help us ensure money from developers funds much-needed infrastructure in the district.”
The two consultations run for the next five weeks until 11.59pm on Tuesday 22 March 2022.
You can view an electronic copy of all the consultation documents on our website at: