Changes for parking in South Oxfordshire from April
Important changes will be introduced to parking in South Oxfordshire from next month.
Motorists parking in district council car parks in Didcot, Goring, Henley, Thame or Wallingford are advised that from Monday 4 April:
- There will be a new charging period, from 8am to 6pm Monday to Saturday*
- There will be a small increase in parking fees*
- New and renewed permits will only be valid for the specific car park for which they are issued and will not be transferable.
In past years, motorists in the district have benefited from low parking fees. However, costs are increasing and losses have been sustained for the last two years and, if action isn’t taken, the council’s projections are that losses would continue and grow.
South Oxfordshire District Council is introducing these changes to help ensure the car parks break even, with the aim of ensuring that car park users cover the cost of the service, rather than the council tax payer.
The changes could also help to encourage people to consider more sustainable forms of transport such as cycling or walking when travelling to the town centres, supporting the council’s aim for South Oxfordshire to be a carbon neutral district by 2030.
Cllr Sue Cooper, Cabinet Member for Environment, Climate Change and Nature Recovery, at South Oxfordshire District Council, said: “The cost of parking in South Oxfordshire remains low compared to other areas and we continue to support shoppers and local businesses by providing a free hour each day for all motorists. This helps to ensure a quick turnaround in our car parks so that space should always be available for people to visit our local shops.
“Half price permits continue to be available for electric vehicles and the measures we’ve agreed will help to ensure our car parks remain financially sustainable while at the same time encouraging people to consider more sustainable low or no emission travel options which will help to reduce the district’s carbon footprint.”
For more information visit southoxon.gov.uk/parkingchanges.
*These changes will not apply at Goldsmiths Lane in Wallingford, which is part-owned by Wallingford Town Council and a private developer.