South Oxfordshire councillors award nearly £180,000 in funding to community projects
Over 100 voluntary and community organisations have been awarded £179,152 in grants to fund projects ranging from food banks and defibrillators to sports equipment and wellbeing activities which will benefit the lives of residents across South Oxfordshire.
Of the 105 projects granted funding by South Oxfordshire District Council’s Councillor Community Grants scheme, nearly half went to projects directly aimed at boosting wellbeing and physical activity, such as children’s play activities and sports facilities.
With 17 per cent of projects focussing on supporting nature and the environment. These include tree planting by Crowmarsh parish council, an environmental sustainability project at the Rainbow Corner Day Nursery in Watlington, and a new polytunnel for Benson Community Gardens.
New funding round for grants of up to £5,000 opens today
The council has today launched a new round of funding from the Councillor Community Grants scheme with applicants being encouraged to think about funding for projects that would contribute to the district council’s Corporate Plan priorities: to protect and restore our natural world; take action on the climate emergency and improve economic and community wellbeing.
Every South Oxfordshire ward has up to £5,000 per district councillor to award to projects or services that offer community benefits to their residents. Decisions may be made collectively in wards with multiple councillors, which means that larger projects could be allocated more funding.
Not-for profit community organisations and town and parish councils in South Oxfordshire can apply for grants from £250 up to a maximum of £5,000 from each councillor.
Cllr Maggie Filipova-Rivers, Cabinet Member for Community Wellbeing said: “We’re really proud of this grant scheme and feel privileged that we’re in a position to directly help and support organisations in our wards. These projects really do impact the day-to-day lives of our residents, making a difference to the environment around them and their health and wellbeing.
“If any community organisations in South Oxfordshire are in need of financial support for their project, then they should contact their local district councillor and discuss their application.”
There’s more information on the council website southoxon.gov.uk/grants and organisations can also email grants@southandvale.gov.uk. The deadline for applications is Friday 2 September at midday.