A statement from Cllr Sue Cooper, Leader of South Oxfordshire District Council
We’ve now learned that our district – along with the rest of Oxfordshire – will be in tier 4 from Boxing Day. This means that we all must stay at home to protect ourselves, our families, our communities and the NHS. The number of cases in South Oxfordshire has been rising significantly in the past few days as they have in the rest of the county. We know this will be a cause of concern for so many of our residents, especially at this time of year – and that makes it all the more important to follow the government’s guidelines and stay safe. Please also do not be tempted to travel between tiers – for example to family members in a lower tier, as this runs the risk of transmitting the virus more widely and putting you or your families at greater risk.
As we have done throughout the pandemic, we will continue to support our most vulnerable residents, including those affected financially, along with businesses that have felt the full force of the various lockdowns and restrictions.
Over the past ten months, so many of our council officers have been working exceptionally hard, often around the clock, to support our communities and businesses through this pandemic, and most of them are taking a short but well-earned break between Christmas and New Year. However, our Community Hub remains open on an emergency basis for our vulnerable residents who are in urgent need of food or medical supplies – if you’re worried about getting vital supplies, do not be worried about contacting us – all the details are at www.southoxon.gov.uk/communityhub
As ever, businesses can find out what help is available to them on our Business Support website at www.svbs.co.uk
I know it’s going to be a very different Christmas, but I’d like to send all of our residents our warmest Christmas wishes and a better New Year. Please do stay safe and look after yourselves and your families.