Call for communities to plant trees in record numbers
Communities and groups across South Oxfordshire and the Vale of White Horse are being urged to put plans in place now, so they are ready to plant trees in record numbers during the annual tree planting season, later this year.
Carbon dioxide (CO₂) produced through the burning of fossil fuels, waste, and other materials is the most prominent greenhouse gas contributing to climate change. Trees capture and store this gas when it enters the atmosphere and so are vital in helping us to tackle the climate emergency.
South Oxfordshire and Vale of White Horse District Councils are therefore calling on people to play their part and plant trees in their local neighbourhood.
The best time to carry out planting is from November to March, when the weather and land conditions are usually at their most suitable for trees to adapt to their new surroundings and grow. However, it can take a while to organise tree planting projects, so people should plan now to ensure they are ready for when the season begins and can maintain and establish the trees for several years.
If you are involved in a tree planting project, or wish to get involved in being part of a record planting season, please visit southoxon.gov.uk/treeplanting / whitehorsedc.gov.uk/treeplanting for advice.
Cllr Sally Povolotsky, Cabinet Member for Climate Emergency and Environment, at Vale of White Horse District Council, said: “Increasing our tree cover is vital if we are to reduce our carbon emissions. We need people in every community to step up and get involved in tree planting, whether that’s helping to organise a local project, volunteering to plant a few trees, or allowing tree planting to happen on your land if you are a landowner.”
Cllr Ian Snowdon, Tree Champion at South Oxfordshire District Council, said: “If you are involved in a tree planting project, please plan early so you are ready to get planting as soon as the 2022/23 season is underway. We want to see as many projects get underway as early as possible this time, otherwise there is a risk that time runs out and you will be forced to wait another six months for the right conditions.”
Cllr Peter Dragonetti, Tree Champion at South Oxfordshire District Council, said: said: “As well as the many environmental advantages, trees also provide great health and wellbeing benefits for everyone, and wonderful scenery across the district, so a record setting tree planting season would really benefit us all!”
Notes for editors
Tackling the climate emergency is a major priority for South Oxfordshire and Vale of White Horse District Councils.
The South and Vale Climate Action Plans outline the steps the two councils will take to achieve this aim, as well as how it will support local efforts to tackle the climate emergency. This includes identifying sites for new tree planting and wilding opportunities on council land or through partnership opportunities on privately owned land to support natural carbon capture.
For more information about Climate Action in South Oxfordshire and the Vale of White Horse, visit southoxon.gov.uk/climateaction / whitehorsedc.gov.uk/climateaction.